Our path to sustainability

Zero30 is a Saint John Energy Initiative - a roadmap to achieving net-zero emissions. We are committed to environmental sustainability and reducing greenhouse gas emissions – for our city, province, and planet.

Net zero is the way forward

Reaching net zero means greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions caused by burning fossil fuels are balanced by an equal amount of GHG emission reductions or removals.

The ultimate goal of net zero is to limit global warming by 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, as set out internationally in the Paris Agreement on climate change. 

Net zero is crucial for mitigating the impacts of climate change and is one of the most important goals being pursued globally.

our future

The shift from fossil fuels puts more demand on electrical grids worldwide. 

Canada’s demand for electricity is expected to double by 2050. As a result, our country’s electricity output will have to increase by at least two to three times than it is today. That is a big leap, and it must be made using green-powered electricity.

The federal government has mandated that electrical utilities in Canada achieve net zero by 2035. We plan to get there faster by making our operations net zero by 2030.

Green is good

Zero30 benefits ripple into our community, positioning us for a progressive and prosperous future.

  • Create new job opportunities and develop new industries

  • Provide reliable energy from diverse sources at stable rates

  • Reduce energy costs for households and businesses

  • Solidify our city and our province’s reputation as leaders in modern energy practices

The path to progress

Work on Zero30 began in 2022 with pre-planning and preliminary data collection. We will continue to seek ideas, find partners, and develop our Zero30 roadmap into 2025.

Zero30 encompasses a number of actions.

  • Understand current and future energy needs

  • Identify options and assess their feasibility 

  • Determine smart grid impacts

  • Select the best path and engage the community 

  • Create the Zero30 Roadmap to move us forward

Leading the transition to net zero

Founded over a century ago, Saint John Energy is a progressive and innovative utility that puts its customers and community first.

Moving forward, Zero30 is a cornerstone initiative to build a sustainable Saint John for today and for future generations. 

We’re strongly positioned to get this done. We were the first utility in Eastern Canada to achieve the coveted Sustainable Electricity Company designation. With Zero30, we are taking national leadership as Canadian utilities make the transition to net zero.


  • Environmental stewardship is important to us.

    As the first utility in Eastern Canada to achieve the coveted Sustainable Electricity Company designation, Saint John Energy is committed to leadership in sustainability.

    As part of Canada’s commitment to achieving net-zero emissions by 2050, the federal government has mandated that electrical utilities achieve net zero by 2035.

    We’d like to get there even sooner – by 2030.

    It also supports the City of Saint John in the Race to Zero challenge as part of its Community Energy Plan.

    And, like all that we do, our customers are central to Zero30.

    We take pride in being one of the most reliable electrical utilities in the nation while offering rates that are the lowest in Atlantic Canada.

    Zero30 will help prepare our grid for a future where customers will want even more power from us at our competitive rates, making a stronger and more efficient grid even more critical.

  • Achieving net zero means that greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are balanced by an equal amount of GHG emission reductions or removals.

    The ultimate goal of achieving net zero is to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, as set out internationally in the Paris Agreement on climate change.

    This will require significant and rapid reductions in greenhouse gas emissions across all sectors of the economy, including energy, transportation, industry, and commerce. Many countries, cities, and companies worldwide have set net-zero targets, and there is growing momentum towards achieving this goal as a critical step towards a sustainable future.

    For Saint John Energy to achieve net zero, we must reduce our net GHG emissions to zero across our operations. And we will also work with our customers to help them reduce emissions.

  • Reaching net zero offers a pathway to a sustainable future that benefits the climate, environment, biodiversity, and economic growth. We can create a better world for ourselves and future generations by embracing the transition to a net-zero economy.

    This will also create new job opportunities and support the development of new industries. Renewable energy sources such as wind and solar are becoming increasingly competitive with fossil fuels, and investing in energy efficiency can help reduce energy costs for households and businesses.

    Reaching net zero offers significant financial benefits for our utility and community, including cost savings, reduced economic risks, new business opportunities, and improved resilience. By embracing the transition to a net-zero economy, we can create a more sustainable and prosperous future for ourselves and future generations

  • The Zero30 roadmap will:

    1. Describe opportunities for Saint John Energy to reach net zero in our operations by 2030

    2. Explore how we can help our customers reach net zero with innovative products and services to increase energy efficiency, support the transition to electric vehicles, and offer more renewable energy options.

    3. Provide robust energy demand and emissions forecasting and model

  • Net zero by 2030 is a bold, ambitious goal, but we are well positioned to meet it.

    New Brunswick’s electricity supply is already one of the world’s cleanest: about 80 per cent emissions-free. Add in an additional 15 per cent from Burchill Wind Energy, and that’s a gap of just five per cent, plus future additional demand, to get to net zero.

  • To come up with solutions or actions, we will develop energy usage and emissions models. The models will allow us to test out, in a virtual environment, the effect of various scenarios in lowering emissions.

    We began laying the groundwork for Zero30 in 2022 with pre-planning and data gathering. The initiative will run through to 2025.

    As the project moves forward, we will announce the partners joining us on this journey. These partners will allow us to leverage learnings and expertise both here at home and around the world.

  • Our customers and community are essential partners in Zero30. This project will include community and stakeholder engagements along with surveys. As we move forward, we will share what we are learning. Click here to see upcoming events and read the latest news.

    Download PDF Infographic

    Download PDF Zero30 Roadmap Book